Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

template maskolis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id libero non erat fermentum varius eget at elit. Suspendisse vel mattis diam. Ut sed dui in lectus hendrerit interdum nec ac neque. Praesent a metus eget augue lacinia accumsan ullamcorper sit amet tellus. Duis cursus egestas hendrerit. Fusce luctus risus id elit malesuada ac sagittis magna tempus.

Sed egestas fringilla turpis at ullamcorper. Pellentesque adipiscing ornare cursus. Aliquam a nulla sapien. Sed facilisis ultricies purus, sed dapibus eros auctor vel. Phasellus et est nibh. Sed sagittis neque vel magna euismod ut vulputate sapien tempus. Fusce feugiat condimentum nulla. Aliquam quis convallis nunc. Nulla eu eros quam. Heading H1Suspendisse elementum tincidunt mi, non dictum nibh molestie a. In placerat rutrum felis, eu lacinia nunc eleifend vitae.


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Eu mei solum oporteat eleifend, libris nominavi maiestatis duo at, quod dissentiet vel te. Legere prompta impedit id eum. Te soleat vocibus luptatum sed, augue dicta populo est ad, et consul diceret officiis duo. Et duo primis nostrum.
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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template maskolis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id libero non erat fermentum varius eget at elit. Suspendisse vel mattis diam. Ut sed dui in lectus hendrerit interdum nec ac neque. Praesent a metus eget augue lacinia accumsan ullamcorper sit amet tellus. Duis cursus egestas hendrerit. Fusce luctus risus id elit malesuada ac sagittis magna tempus.

vcky kjhkjhkj khkjhk jh kjhkjhk

template maskolis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id libero non erat fermentum varius eget at elit. Suspendisse vel mattis diam. Ut sed dui in lectus hendrerit interdum nec ac neque. Praesent a metus eget augue lacinia accumsan ullamcorper sit amet tellus. Duis cursus egestas hendrerit. Fusce luctus risus id elit malesuada ac sagittis magna tempus.

Sed egestas fringilla turpis at ullamcorper. Pellentesque adipiscing ornare cursus. Aliquam a nulla sapien. Sed facilisis ultricies purus, sed dapibus eros auctor vel. Phasellus et est nibh. Sed sagittis neque vel magna euismod ut vulputate sapien tempus. Fusce feugiat condimentum nulla. Aliquam quis convallis nunc. Nulla eu eros quam. Heading H1Suspendisse elementum tincidunt mi, non dictum nibh molestie a. In placerat rutrum felis, eu lacinia nunc eleifend vitae.


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Eu mei solum oporteat eleifend, libris nominavi maiestatis duo at, quod dissentiet vel te. Legere prompta impedit id eum. Te soleat vocibus luptatum sed, augue dicta populo est ad, et consul diceret officiis duo. Et duo primis nostrum.
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Blogger get a new look

Important change in new layout is its writing pane. For me, it is the simplest writing pane in the world. The new style goes in the favor of Wordpress pane. 

     Google is also going to change Bloggers name to 'Google Blogs'. Now problem arises with URL of blogger sites. I hope Google redirects links to go to the new Google Blogs. It’s actually technically trivial to do so. It seems that Google is afraid that people will forget that Google developed these products. To remember people, google is adding its name before all products.

(Cross-posted from Blogger Buzz)

As you may have heard, things are starting to look a little different across many Google products—and today, Blogger is the next product to get a makeover.

It’s been a few years since we made major updates to Blogger’s look and feel, and there’s a lot more to these changes than just shiny new graphics. We’ve rewritten the entire editing and management experience from scratch so it’s faster and more efficient for you—and easier for us to update and improve over time.

Throughout the design process, we conducted user interviews to help identify how to make Blogger even easier and more enjoyable to use. We also watched users try our new interface and made many refinements based on their feedback.

A streamlined blogging experience
Whether you’re on a dashboard or settings page of blogger.com, you can always create or edit posts with just one click at the top of the screen. Additionally, the post editor has been expanded and simplified to give you a larger canvas for drafting and previewing your work.

Monitor and grow your audience at a glance
In the new “Overview” section of your dashboard, you’ll be able to quickly get a pulse for how people are reacting to your blog with a graph of your most recent traffic numbers, comment activity and follower counts. For extra guidance and inspiration, you’ll also find a list of helpful links, a feed of Blogger updates and a showcase of other blogs you may find interesting.

Opt in now
Starting today, we’ll gradually let all bloggers choose to turn on the new UI, so your Blogger experience won’t be updated until you enable it. Over the next few days, keep an eye out for a pop-up announcement on your dashboard with instructions on how to get started, and check out this Blogger Help Center page to learn more about what’s changed.

If you have suggestions or feedback about the new look, click the gear icon in the top right of the navigation bar and select “Send Feedback.”

We’re working hard to fundamentally revamp and improve the Blogger experience from the ground up, and we hope you enjoy the first in a series of major updates that are on their way in the coming months.

Posted by Chang Kim, Product Manager, Blogger

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